
Articles Posted in North Korea


My Country Has No U.S. Embassy: How Do I get a Visa?

In this video, attorney Jacob Sapochnick addresses a very important question: I want to apply for a U.S. visa, but my country does not have a U.S. Embassy or Consulate (or it is closed at this time), how can I apply for a visa in this situation? Did You Know?…


DOS Provides Guidance on Immigrant Visa Processing for Those Previously Subject to the Muslim Travel Ban P.P. 9645 and 9983

Welcome back to the Immigration Lawyer Blog, where we discuss all things immigration. In this video, attorney Jacob Sapochnick provides an important update from the Department of State regarding immigrant visa processing following the cancellation of Presidential Proclamations 9645 and 9983, also known as “the Muslim travel ban.” In this…

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